We are experienced in designing and delivering training programmes tailored to your needs. John Pointing has over 30 years’ experience providing professional training for environmental health professionals and lawyers, for the Chartered Institute of Environmental Health, local authorities and industry. With David Horrocks, John has run many courses on noise nuisance, statutory nuisance law and enforcement, and anti-social behaviour. John also runs a course on statutory nuisance law and residential property with Richard Lord. We have also designed a noise policy document for local authorities, which is then linked to a training programme for officers delivering the policy.
The reorganisation of LA services and the increasing use of non-EHPs often results in shortages of sufficiently skilled and experienced front-line officers. We have designed some face-to-face, interactive training courses to develop skills for small groups (up to 16) of officers. These include:
- Two-day course on Enforcement of Noise Law, covering construction noise, noise from intruder alarms, entertainment noise
- Day course on Anti-social Behaviour Law and Practice
- Day course on Statutory Nuisance Law and Practice
- Three-day course on Statutory Nuisance Law and Practice
- Day course on Commercial Noise Nuisance Law and Practice
- Day course on Statutory Nuisance and Housing Act enforcement for residential property
- Day course on the Enforcement of Licensing Law and Entertainment Noise.
David Horrocks runs a half-day technical noise course for officers with little training in noise law enforcement. The course takes delegates through the rationale for undertaking noise measurement programmes. It explains basic acoustic theory and examines how noise measurements should be recorded and interpreted. Three scenarios are used: a domestic noise investigation; a commercial noise investigation; and an investigation using the monitoring protocol set out in the Noise Act 1996.
We also run training events for industry to establish best practice and enabling businesses to avoid expensive litigation and enforcement. Our course on Meeting the Challenges of Local Authority Enforcement was praised by one Tesco Regional Risk Manager: “Very informative training course. Great use of interactive conversations. Well delivered. Thank you for your time.”
Please get in touch if you would like us to run any of these courses for your organisation, local authority or for a group of LAs. Our training is both very practical and interactive: we do not run our courses on Zoom or Teams because these media do not facilitate interactive learning. We emphasise the following:
- up to date analysis and information on legal provisions and best practice
- use of small groups/workshops
- intelligent use of enforcement powers
- carrying out investigations and using statutory powers properly
- drafting notices that provide a resolution to the problem
- preparation for court and giving oral evidence effectively
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